Tuesday, July 16, 2019

June 8, 2004

Dreamed of driving from Halifax to Sackville in a trip that seemed to take forever; a movie based on The Odyssey but set in the 20th century (like O Brother, Where Art Thou?), ending with the establishment of a new factory; entering Sackville and seeing the two surrounded by snow-covered hills despite the spring season.

Went shopping.

Dr. Hassan is really impressed by my detailed dream descriptions!

At the NDP campaign office, I attached metal frames to lawn signs.

We turned on the air conditioning for the first time this year.

Bid on some Ebay collections of Classics Illustrated Junior fairy tale comics.

Dinner was McDonald's.

Saw Ernst Lubitsch's silent comedy The Doll (for the second time) at the Goethe Institute.  Really funny.  I would have seen The Snow Walker afterward, but I went to the wrong cinema. [I eventually saw it on DVD.  The Doll is about a young heir who has to marry on pain of disinheritance, so he buys a life-size wind-up doll to "marry," not realizing that the doll had an arm broken off so the dollmaker's daughter is substituting for her...]

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