Friday, July 19, 2019

June 15, 2004

"The way you carry on, you'd think no-one had ever been poisoned before"--Why Didn't They Ask Evans?

Dreamed of watching a movie on video about a Chinese woman who ended up stealing (like the Anna May Wong silent Pavement Butterfly, which I saw a few days ago), which got so depressing that I had to sneak out of the room rather than continue watching it; looking at the bow window in our Sackville house and noticing that the central part, (which actually had several little panes) had one big one; looking at statistics describing what life would be like on other planets.

At the NDP campaign office I sorted the contact book into volunteer sheets and sign sheets.

Saw the first half of the DVD of the Agatha Christie TV mystery Why Didn't They Ask Evans? Very complicated.  It has something to do with a morphine clinic.  Francesca Annis is gorgeous!

Dinner was salmon.

Got three money orders at the bank for Ebay payments.  I also received a shipment of 15 Gold Key/Whitman comic books:  stuff like Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny.

Saw The New Babylon, a Soviet silent about the 1871 Paris Commune, at the Cinematheque.  Heroic workers vs. evil bourgeoisie.  

Then I went to karaoke and sang "Back in the USSR," "Up on the Roof," "Consider Yourself" and "Burning Down the House."

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