Wednesday, July 31, 2019

June 30, 2004

Dreamed of acting as one of the Founding Fathers of the US (a minor one); a plan to cover several adjacent Manhattan buildings with an overarching dome.

Got the 1966 Beano annual (a British comic book) and a couple of Classics Illustrated issues about the American West, along with some more Classics Illustrated Junior fairy tale comics. [I was interested in that annual because I remembered reading a bit of it when I was in England at the age of four!]

Went to the Cinematheque box office and got tickets for some Luchino Visconti productions and French crime movies.

Went to the library and borrowed Roald Dahl's The BFG (as in Big Friendly Giant).

Dinner was lasagna.

It looks like we need a new DVD player. (The sound trouble wasn't due to the DVD.) Father had to buy the cheapest machine in the store!

Saw the satirical 1960s B-movie Wild in the Streets at the Cinematheque.  It's about a 24-year-old rock star who puts LSD in the Washington, D.C., drinking water so Congress votes to lower the voting age to 14, then he gets elected President and sends everyone over 30 into "rehabilitation camps" where they take acid and become harmless.  A frantic, uneven curio.

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