Wednesday, December 23, 2020

December 11, 2005

Dreamed of a short-haired middle-aged guy in the band Bon Giovi(!) with a British accent, doing a TV commercial for a local furniture store with his wife.

Went to a Book Club Meetup where we talked about The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  Seems to me that C.S. Lewis was throwing in whatever came into his head.  There were a dozen people there and we each paid $5, more than enough for expenses.  Some went on to see the movie, but I'm avoiding it.

One event a day not being enough, I also went on a Meetin walk in the Kingsway area late in the afternoon.  Again there were about a dozen people.  We walked in the neighbourhood north of Bloor Street, with street names like Prince Edward Drive and Queen Anne Road and saw fancy Victorian-style houses with flamboyant Christmas lights and some elaborate displays. (One house showed the Grinch descending a tree head first!)

Dinner was Burger King.

Saw the first episode of the fourth season of Six Feet Under, in which Nate fought with Lisa's family over what to do with her remains. (In the end he double-crossed them by giving them someone else's ashes!)

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