Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 13, 2003

Dreamed of visiting Goodenough House and Mother coming to see me; becoming an assistant bandleader accidentally at my Mississauga junior high school, and the leader resenting my sarcasm.

Got up at 9:02.

We went to the big hardware store and got five more pipe insulation tubes.  Remarkably, that was about the right amount.

Saw Roman Polanski's The Pianist at Canada Square.  It's everything they say, and a real triumph.  Adrien Brody, that cool actor, had a suitable sense of the detachment that must have made the hero a good oberserver and even a good survivor.  

The part that creeped me out the most was the scenes where Nazis chose individual Jews randomly out of a lineup (for sparing or for killing) by saying "You... you... you..." in German, only they used the intimate du instead of sie! And I remember the moment when the woman asked "Where are you taking us?" and the Nazis' response was to shoot her in the forehead. (A very honest reply.)

Dinner was meat loaf.  Unfortunately, Mother made it with and without onions in two different pans, so it was dried out. (She'd have done better to put the with in one side of the pan and the without in the other.) The movie was longer than I expected, so we didn't eat until around 19:00.

When I went to the dance studio it turned out that they'd upgraded the Thursday class to Bronze III, so I no longer qualify for it. (But since I'd come, they gave me a half-class in cha cha, with the help of Donna the secretary, taught by Sergei and Don.) The frustrating thing is that I'm too good for Mondays but not good enough for Thursdays, which leaves only Wednesdays and Fridays, and I can't make Wednesday for the next two weeks, and the week after next there's no Friday either. (Cynthia had forgotten to explain this to me earlier.)

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