Friday, June 7, 2024

May 31, 2009

"Some of what follows may seem so obvious that it will put you in danger of sustaining a nosebleed"--The Ode Less Travelled

"I'm smarter when I drink!"--Sanjuro

"Don't you get tired of being stupid?"--ibid.

"A stupid friend's sword is deadlier than an enemy's"--ibid.

Dreamed of touching frost on the lawn of our old house in Sackville, N.B.

Went to a Walking Meetup along the Leslie Street Spit.  It was so windy I wore a sweater.  As I was crossing a bridge the wind blew my hat into the water, but I rescued it with a nearby lifeguard's pole! (By the time the walk was over it was dry again.) One of us brought her septuagenarian father, and he set the pace for the rest of us:  he walks two hours every day.

Dinner was vegan chili and garlic bread. (John and Kathrine were going to come over, but they couldn't make it.)

Saw the DVD of Kurosawa's Sanjuro, a complicated but fun samurai adventure.  Toshiro Mifune's another actor who belongs in the Cool Hall of Fame.

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