Friday, June 7, 2024

May 30, 2009

"Verse is one of our last stands against the instant and the infantile.  Even when it is simple and childlike it is to be savoured"--The Ode Less Travelled

"Much better not to understand what makes people tick when you're my age"--To Serve Them All My Days

Dreamed of a large indoor garden producing squash and gourds.

Went to Indigo Books and spent my gift certificate. (They had a table with a sign "Books you should have read by now"!) I got a reprint of the Thimble Theater comic strip with Popeye the Sailor, Obama's Dreams From My Father and 10,000 Years of Art.

Dinner was McDonald's.

Started reading The Ode Less Travelled, Stephen Fry's book about writing poetry.

Saw the last episode of To Serve Them All My Days.  Very enjoyable.

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