Monday, June 24, 2024

June 16, 2009

Went to see my shrink Dr. Hassan. (I showed him the online album of my opera photos.) He's pleased that I'm involved in things like the Games Meetup.

Dinner was breaded haddock (and the rest of the Chinese food).

Went to another Games Meetup at Sara's place.  I was with the half of the group playing the Cities & Knights version of Settlers of Catan. (The other half played the original version.) This version was too complicated for me and I got only four points in the end:  I lost my first city with the first barbarian attack and didn't get a new one till near the end of the game, which went on so long that by the time we were finished the other group was on their third game!

Read 50 pages of Dreams From My Father.

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