Friday, June 28, 2024

June 17, 2009

Barack Obama's Indonesian stepfather: "If you can't be strong, be clever and make peace with someone who's strong.  But always better to be strong yourself.  Always"--Dreams From My Father

Got an Ebay package of Li'l Abner and Flash Gordon Sundays. (I had to hunt around for change for the COD charge.)

Moira recorded the accompaniment for "Di Provenza." (She'll have to work on "Le Veau d'Or" a bit before recording that!)

Dinner was lasagna with spinach.

Went to Sara's place and played Puerto Rico.  I got 33 points in the end.  If I were doing it over I'd have bought the university and construction hut buildings earlier. (The latter proved useless because the quarries ran out!)

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