Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 11, 2009

"Dexter, is there a finishing school I could send him to?"

"Sure, Sing Sing!"

--Platinum Blonde

Mrs. Peel (after performing a veil dance for an Arab prince) "What's your follow-up, Giselle?"

Steed: "We don't want to offend the effendi!"

--The Avengers

Homer: "Who spread the trash on Flanders' yard before I had the chance to?"--The Simpsons

Dreamed of actress Jane Wyman; reading a book for hours on end.

Baked whole wheat bread.

Dinner was sausage and mashed potatoes (with spicy lamb sausages).

Saw the DVD of Frank Capra's Platinum Blonde.  Those '30s populist comedies had no sympathy for people in the upper class!

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