Thursday, June 6, 2024

May 28, 2009

"He did what he thought was right."

"That could be said about a lot of men with more power than sense."

--To Serve Them All My Days

"He's a rough diamond."

"He's a rough rhinestone!"


"Who got hold of this much land unless they took it off'n somebody else?"--ibid.

Went shopping. (We also went to Walmart where I bought a couple of shirts.)

Deposited another interest cheque.  My account's now close to $4000!

Dinner was spaghetti with shrimp.

Saw the DVD of George Stevens' movie of Edna Ferber's Giant (for the third time). A sprawling, entertaining middlebrow epic.  Rock Hudson is a bit bland (as usual), but Elizabeth Taylor's at her best.

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