Thursday, June 6, 2024

May 29, 2009

Air force officer (when his girlfriend steps on his German maps): "You're destroying Germany.  That's what I'm supposed to be doing!"

--Map of the Human Heart

Dreamed of the spaghetti western A Fistful of Dollars; the non-existent nautical slang "thirty pounds of pasta" for a loose sheet rope.

Practised my songs, but it turned out I have a missing sheet in the "Malia" score.

Baked multigrain bread.

Dinner was scalloped potatoes and ham, and the rest of the lasagna.

I decided to cancel tomorrow's Lunch Club Meetup, because just one other person was coming.

Saw the DVD of Vincent Ward's Map of the Human Heart.  Visually arresting, though the romantic story gets a bit silly in the second half.

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