Friday, December 28, 2018

December 20, 2003

Off-color exchange: "Mata Machree, you're priceless, priceless!" "No, I've got my price"--Million Dollar Legs

Dreamed of visiting the streets of our Sackville home, and finding they'd built a synagogue on one side and a Catholic church on the other (both with huge statues); visiting our cottage near Sackville and noticing a huge number of stars in the sky; playing a computer game in which the heroine has to chase the villain and catch him really quick; saving a successfully played section so I wouldn't have to do it again. (I've sometimes done that with real computer games.)

Father and I mailed off the first seven used books we sold. (We'll make over $300!) We had a hard time finding a post office that took plastic.

Then we went to the Hollywood canteen and rented half a dozen videos.

Dinner was spaghetti.

Father showed me our system for processing orders.  I helped write a form letter to send to buyers.

Saw Million Dollar Legs with W.C. fields as the president of Klopstokia, whose daughter's boyfriend trains a national tem for the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics.  I think they were making it up as they went along.

Baked multigrain bread overnight.

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