Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 3, 2003

Woke up around 5:00 again.

At McClelland & Stewart they let me observe an editorial meeting.  Unfortunately, as the two sales people were talking I dozed off! (If any of them noticed this, they were polite enough to ignore it.)

For the rest of the day I worked on the slush pile, filing away letters offering manuscripts which had been rejected (the vast majority). It was rather sad work:  I felt like a gravedigger in Potter's Field. My back got pretty sore.  

It was a huge pile--they get about five manuscripts daily--but I managed to finish it by the end of the day!  For some reason, there were several manuscripts by people called MacDonald. I noticed that there were a lot under the name Bates, but figured out that Bates wasn't the name of the authors but of their agency.

Dinner was chicken curry.

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