Monday, July 1, 2024

June 21, 2009

Dreamed of getting a home on Long Island just east of New York City; being about to enter a school for young performers like in the movie Fame.

Had lunch with the Walking Meetup at Cora's. (I ate a ham & Swiss omelet.) Afterward we walked down to the Music Park.  They walked further but I left for my next engagement.

That was the Games Meetup at the Yellow Griffin, where I played Guillotine (where you get points for executing French aristocrats) and Settlers of Catan.  The latter game had six players and moved slowly.  I did badly, getting just four points and not building any cities.

Lost the screw holding the right lens to my glasses, on the stairs. (Searching with a magnet didn't work.) But I got a new screw from my old glasses.

John, Kathrine and Donald came over for dinner, which was a curry and churrasco chicken.

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