Friday, July 26, 2024

July 17, 2009

"Is the plane still crashed?"--Mad Men

"Personally, I have no objections to Negroes.  But I'm worried about our car!"--ibid.

"Stop writing for other writers"--ibid.

Last night I went to another Settlers of Catan night at the Ryerson student centre.  In the game I was in two of the four players were new to it, and one quit in the middle even though he was in the lead!

Finally got serious about going through my new comic strips.  I've been reading Steve Roper and Kerry Drake.

Dinner was lasagna.

None of the DVDs sent yesterday arrived today, so I went to the video store and rented a DVD of the first episodes of the second season of Mad Men.  We ended up seeing all three episodes in one night!  Still brilliant.

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