Friday, July 19, 2024

July 11, 2009

Dreamed of recalling the world I left behind when I moved to Toronto in 1990; Harry Potter; writing a test paper.

Baked whole wheat bread.

The nearby Salsa on St. Clair festival is this weekend.  Predictably noisy.

Went to another Games Meetup at Philthy McNasty's. (Some of us went to that Jack Black movie first [probably Year One], not including me.) I was in the group that played Puerto Rico.  I intended to buy a construction hut, but they got snapped up quickly.  Then I bought a hacienda early on because I thought it had the function of a hospice. (I got a hospice later, but it was too late to be of any use.) I managed 32 points, about the same as last time, but in a game of five people instead of four.


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