Monday, July 29, 2024

July 22, 2009

"Any more questions, Steed, and I'll throw you out!"

"You wish you could throw me out."

--The Avengers

Groundskeeper Willie (burying a classroom gerbil in the school basement): "You're getting a better burial than my father ever got!  My father got tossed in the bog!"--The Simpsons

Besides packing for our trip, I tried to finish up with my new comics.  But the Li'l Abner strips were too many to finish reading.

They're tearing up the sidewalks all along St. Clair Avenue near our house.

Dinner was KFC.

The internet's been off all day!

Viewed two DVD episodes each of The Avengers, Get Smart and The Simpsons. (In three days I've managed to finish off four DVDs!)

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