Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 2, 2009

A relative of  Barack Obama: "When everyone is family, then no one is family.  Your father never understood this, I think"--Dreams From My Father

Dyan Cannon (teasingly): "And those people the ghettos think they have problems!"--Such Good Friends

Dreamed of singing "Bruderlein und Schwesterlein"; carrying a female mannequin with an umbrella; the mannequin falling into the river; saving it for the umbrella; Tony Soprano having an affair with a fitness instructor.

Got a big Ebay package from Barry King. (He said it's his last auction.)

Went shopping.

Dinner was curry.

Saw Otto Preminger's Such Good Friends at the Cinematheque.  An early 1970s attempt at "daring" satire, it goes down in flames.

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