Friday, February 14, 2020

February 4, 2005

Woke up early and thought about all my anti-antis. (I'm anti-antidrugs, anti-antiradical, anti-antianger, anti-antihiphop, anti-antidivorce...)

Put a new strap on my watch.

Saw the DVD of Disney's Arthurian animated feature The Sword in the Stone (for the second time). It's second-rate Disney, but I have a special fondness for it from seeing it back at the age of 12. (I definitely identified with Wart back then.) I remembered the scene where Merlin set up a magical assembly line to wash all the dishes in the kitchen, giving Wart's betters a fright.  This time I noticed that the villainess Madame Mim was basically a copy of Witch Hazel in a certain Warner Brothers cartoon with Bugs Bunny. [WB cartoons started out imitating Disney, but the worm turned!]

Dinner was the rest of the lasagna.

Nobody came to the Karaoke Meetup! (I was expecting six people.) [Those cold winter evenings will wreck turnout...]

The cottage cheese in the lasagna gave me the runs, because it has lactose. (At least that's my theory of the cause) [For a while, I had to drink lactose-free milk.]

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