Tuesday, November 2, 2021

October 25, 2006

Dreamed of the Lawrence of Arabia scene where they travelled through the Sun's Anvil; the "If You're Good to Mama" number from Chicago.

I had to miss today's singing lesson, along with last night's opera rehearsal, because I was under the weather. (I did manage to bring Giuseppe his cheque paying for the latest lessons.)

Mailed three packages I sold on Ebay.

Dinner was spaghetti.

The opera had an acting class.  David printed out a list of possible motivations for people to come to Flora's party.  I decided I was at the first-act party because I was a young doctor being mentored by Violetta's physician, and at the third-act party because I'd lost my faith and might as well lose my virginity too.  At one point we were pretending to be people in a freak show, and I played the Wild Man of Africa, going around scaring people.  Pretty fun. [Some other motivations for going to the party were "You're homosexual, and they understand these things here." and "You come to steal knick-knacks, either to sell them or out of spite."]

I meant to post four packages on Ebay to take advantage of a low-rate day, but there was some glitch and I couldn't even post one!  Meanwhile the On Stage and Beetle Bailey packages didn't sell, but Robin Malone sold for $27, pretty good for just a dozen episodes.

Got a big Ebay package of comic strips from Barry King in Korea.

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