Friday, April 30, 2021

April 23, 2006

Dreamed of going to see Robert Altman's Short Cuts, based on Raymond Carver's short stories (in real life I couldn't bear to see it because the stories were too sad, especially "A Small Good Thing," about parents whose child gets killed in a hit & run); Diane Keaton as the mother (it was actually Andie McDowell) galloping a horse alongside a train [like Jeanette McDonald in Love Me Tonight]; Jack Lemmon as the father's father (a role Lemmon actually did play, though he wasn't in the original story) drunkenly revealing the news of the kid's death to the father, except that he was talking about something else; "waking up" but not knowing which direction was north; visiting the high Arctic (in summer) and flying to Canada's northernmost land Ellesmere Island; visiting the non-existent Fort Devon on the island's northern coast and flying over the Arctic Ocean; asking at Fort Devon where was Cape Columbia, Canada's actual northernmost point.

Went to the Book Club Meetup at the Rhino, where we discussed The Flame Trees of Thika, West With the Night and Out of Africa.  Unfortunately, Karen couldn't make it because she's recovering from a cycling accident, and Jessica presided instead.

Then I went to a Singles Meetup at the Cafe Mirage.  But I didn't have time to stay long. (Three Meetups in one day is too many.) I only showed up because I've been missing the event month after month.

Dinner was spaghetti.

Finally I went to the Arthouse Meetup and we saw Tommy Lee Jones' The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada at the Fox, which I'd only gone to once before (to see The Dresser in 1984). It wasn't bad.  Dom is a realtor, and says the next big neighbourhood will be around Lansdowne and Davenport.

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