Wednesday, June 12, 2019

April 23, 2004

Narration: "The last drop of suffering--her own child does not recognize her!"--Ingeborg Holm

Dreamed of being at a tribute to Marty Feldman (the 1970s comedian with the big eyes) and wondering what the time and place were (a nearby map showed southwest England and suggested Devonshire along the English Channel coast).

Went out to the bookstore This Ain't the Rosedale Library and bought a ticket to the Anton Kuerti concert raising money for Mordechai Vanunu. (I'm still angray about what happened to him and how little Western governments did about it.) Then I bought a new Quill and Quire issue at Indigo Books.

Dinner was shepherd's pie.

Saw two of Victor Sjostrom's early silents, both pretty shameless melodrama.  The Broken Spring Rose was about a girl who ends up a Fallen Woman; Ingeborg Holm was about a mother who ends up in the poorhouse, has to foster out her children, and goes insane.

Went to the used book sale at Fairlawn United Church.  I ended up buying 30 records (at $1 apiece!) and a few opera videos.

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