Sunday, April 21, 2019

March 19, 2004

"I was completely cleared!" "Let's hope you stay that way"--Democracy

Dreamed of trying to remember how old I was; thinking I was 18, then 28; finally remembering I'm 42.

Went to the Design Museum.  Some prizewinning designer was given 30,000 pounds to spend on all the interestingly-designed objects he could find around the world, and they had a number on display there.  Stuff like a spoon that could double as a straw; a hot-water bottle that didn't have to be filled, which you microwaved; a system for baling hay in cylinders.  John would have liked it.

Lunch was fish and chips.

Went to the Tate Gallery, where there were two exhibitions.  The one about pre-Raphaelite landscapes was wonderful.  I especially like those artists' use of colour, just a bit more intense than real life.  The other one, called "In A Gadda Da Vida," was works of provocative "shock" art by present-day avant-gardists like Damien Hirst.  If you ask me, the joke is old by now.

Dinner was linguini with calamari (very spicy!).

Saw Michael Frayn's Democracy at the National Theatre. (I had a bit of a race getting there in time.) It's an excellent play about the complex relationship between Willy Brandt and the communist spy who ultimately brought him down.  Intelligent and funny.

Finished Never a Day So Bright.

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