Thursday, August 1, 2024

July 24, 2009

We crossed New Brunswick to Amherst, N.S., where we got a room at Victorian Motel.  We listened to more of the Gilead audio book, and CDs of classic doo-wop and Bill Cosby. (We stopped at Fredericton, to find a Tim Horton's, and Father got lost just like last time!)

We had lunch in Moncton at Hynes' Restaurant, which has good lobster rolls.

After reaching Amherst we went back to my hometown of Sackville, N.B. to look around the place (except Moira, who stayed at the motel). I took some pictures of our old house, which lost its bow window and now has pink shingles, but still has that area under the eaves painted blue.

We had dinner at Bella's Cafe in Amherst. (I had baked salmon.) There were a coupld of folk singers performing live!  We were talking to them during their break.

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