Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 23, 2009

Parrot trainer (on a stolen parrot): "He's... a parrot paragon!"

Mrs. Peel: "Well, now he's a Polly gone."

--The Avengers

Dreamed of seeing a tower collapse on the campus of Mt. Allison University; meeting actor Eddie Albert.

Performed the mass with Coro Verdi at Villa Colombo.

Went to a Games Meetup at the Yellow Griffin.  I played Hey!  That's My Fish--a game involving penguins getting fish on an ice floe that's melting away--and Guillotine, where I won the second game. (The key is getting enough palace guard cards:  the first is worth one point, the second three, the third five...)

On the way back I vixited Stuart Parker's open house, and told him I'd vote for him at tomorrow night's NDP nomination meeting. (I like his Green background.)

John and Kathrine came over for dinner, which was pizza.

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