Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 19, 2009

Would-be lyncher: "What if we take him?"

Cop: "Then quite a few people will be hurt.  Wanna be first?"


Dreamed of being in Amherst, N.S. (near my hometown of Sackville, N.B.) in winter weather in August(!); the "daughter-in-law elect" number from Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado.


Saw the DVD of Elia Kazan's real-life procedural courtroom drama Boomerang!  Clever.

Dinner was curry.

Went to an Uptown Friends Meetup devoted to food and talk.  It was going to be at the Lebanese Cafe near the Ellesmere station, but the place turned out to be closed so we moved to Alexandria on the Arab strip along Lawrence Avenue.  We were going to talk about travel, but the talk went all over the place.  I smoked a hookah for the first time (with a mixed-fruit flavour). I can take it or leave it.

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