Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 5, 2009

"He's stupid.  Thinks with his feet....  But I trust those feet!"

"I'll say this much for him:  he has the courage of his ignorance."

--A Face in the Crowd

The New Yorker critic Pauline Kael on the A Face in the Crowd cast: "They should all take a cold shower."

Dreamed of the summer of 1979.

They're now tearing up the south side of St. Clair Avenue near our house.

Spent a long time sorting the comic strips I've been recently buying online.

Dinner was spaghetti (which I cooked).

Saw the DVD of the Elia Kazan-Budd Schulberg satire A Face in the Crowd. (When I went online afterward, it turned out that Schulberg had just died!) Quintessential 1950s cynicism, melodramatic but often sharp.

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