Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 8, 2009

"Let's go."

"Mr. Pendleton, I'm the one who says 'Let's go.' Let's go."

--Here Comes Mr. Jordan

Dreamed of an epic story about Canadian children caught in eastern Europe at the outset of World War II and ending up in a refuge in Finland that burned down; a movie about the life of Michael Jackson that was too long for me to sit through.

Baked raisin bread.

Went to a Games Meetup where we played Scrabble. (I'd scheduled a DBE event to talk about Dreams From My Father, but cancelled it because only one other person RSVPed yes.) On the way to the subway, I helped out a Hispanic woman by pushing her wheelchair to Loblaw's.

We played Scrabble on the rooftop at the Rosemont apartment building.  In the first game, Jackie used all seven letters twice! (I didn't have a chance.) The second game I won narrowly.

Dinner was McDonald's.

Saw the DVD of the screwball comedy Here Comes Mr. Jordan.  Pretty strange.

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