Wednesday, September 4, 2019

August 22, 2004

"You're a fool, but you're my fool!"--The Battle of the Sexes

"Ye'll never live t'regret it"--Terry and the Pirates

Dreamed of seeing a movie at the Bloor Cinema; being afraid to watch a scene with people being attacked by dogs; being unable to put my shoes back on and gather all my stuff after the movie was over.

Started reading the Terry and the Pirates reprints.  The first episodes were kinda lame.

Moira went to Kingston for a week or so.

Saw the DVD of D.W. Griffiths' The Battle of the Sexes.  It's a silent melodrama with comic touches, about a rich married man who abandons his family for a gold digger.  Minor. (They broke Chekhov's rule by showing a gun and not having it go off.)

Dinner was McDonald's.

There was a last-minute bidding war, but I got twelve of the eighteen Menomonee Falls Gazette issues I was trying for.

Read the Teddy Roosevelt and Snow White comics I recently bought.

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