Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 24, 2004

"He knew it was just nerves. 'I'll be all right when the races start,' he told himself, like a man with a poisoned body who believes that all will be well when a single tooth is drawn"--Brighton Rock

"Where do you live?" "No place--anywhere"--Modern Times

Dreamed of dangling from a palm tree on a small island; The New York Times; a broke female pianist trying to pay a medical bill by refunding her excess medication. (The plots of Tokyo Inn and Tokyo Chorus involved looking for a way to pay a girl's medical bill.)

Saw Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times at the Cinematheque, for the umpteenth time.  It's a real masterpiece.  Those were some great factory sets! (They'd obviously seen Metropolis...)

Read the Classics Illustrated comic of Kipling's The Jungle Book.

Dinner was spaghetti.

Saw the Lucia di Lamermoor video.  This production actually cut a small part which we're keeping (just before the start of the mad scene).

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