Sunday, August 26, 2018

August 21, 2003

Dreamed of being US president and spending a night in jail to atone for Ronald Reagan's crimes; leaving a subway through a large elevator (like in the London system).

Vanity Fair has an article on the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.  They weren't very interesting.

Rented some more DVDs at Suspect Video.

Saw episodes 21-23 of Revolutionary Girl Utena.  It's starting to get bizarre!  I'm having a hard time perceiving what's "real" here. (No doubt it was intended that way.)

Had dinner with Puitak and Gordon.  We went to a Korean takeout restaurant.  The food was so spicy I broke out in a sweat! (Like me, they've been going without air conditioning during the post-blackout electric power crisis.)

Saw 3-D House of Wax at the Royal.  That's the 1953 movie that launched Vincent Price's career in low-budget horror movies.  Pretty corny indeed.  When he had the wax boiling, you didn't need the gift of prophecy to guess that there'd be a fight and guess-who would end up falling in.  To take advantage of the 3-D format they had stuff like a guy playing with a paddle connected to a ball by a string. (What is that thing called.) [I found out online that it's a bolo bat.]

Went to the local karaoke and sang "Tears of a Clown" (it isn't often I try Motown songs), "Back in the USSR" and "Wake Me up Before You Go-Go." (After that last song, I heard someone saying, "It's been years since I heard that song!")

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