Monday, April 9, 2018

April 9, 2003

Dreamed of going downtown to the Sackville cinema to see a movie; trying to record a TV show on the internet; lying on a sofa covered by cushions; the Chuck Norris movie Missing in Action (which I haven't seen).

Got up at 9:28.

Dinner was halibut.

The intermediate drama course is being taught by Liz Gallagher.  They managed to get seven or eight people on the first night.  We played games like "Fortunately/ Unfortunately" and "Zip, Zap, Zoom." We improvised a scene with characters who had a fast, slow and (in my group's case) medium rhythm.  Donna played a talk-show host (medium) whose guests were me as a manic Jerry Lewis-Jim Carrey type stand-up comedian (fast) and Tijuana as a legendary movie star suffering from jet lag (slow). I got to tell some Las Vegas jokes. ["Your honor, why am I here in this court?" "For drinking." "Good, give me a scotch and soda for starters!"]

In the second half we did readings from real plays!  My group did a scene from Barefoot in the Park, but my role as the husband was pretty small, and I mostly read the numerous stage directions instead. (Neil Simon's big on stage directions.) The other group did a dialogue from Oliver Hailey's Father's Day.

For the last part we improvised scenes, with three rules:  they had to be set in a laundromat, have an Olympic athlete as a character, and use a newspaper as a prop.  Improvising is tough!  Sometimes nobody's light bulb goes on.

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