Friday, April 27, 2018

April 24, 2003

"What did Lincoln say at Gettysburg?" "How should I know?  I wasn't there"--Ruggles of Red Gap

Got up at 9:42.

Dreamed of boarding a train; driving into Ottawa and passing by the entrance to a huge star-shaped Jewish cemetery; a movie using special effects to recreate the old Quebec City waterfront; entering a store in a mall without my shoes; finding them on the sidewalk with the laces still tied.

Another headache.

Went to the library and picked up my hold for The People's Almanac Book of Lists.  There shoud be some nice junk reading there!  Then I stopped off at the drugstore and bought a chocolate bunny (or something) at post-Easter reduced prices. (My parents like that.)

Dinner was roast chicken.

Saw Leo McCarey's Ruggles of Red Gap, a funny screwball comedy.  A deadpan Charles Laughton gives a stirring recitation of the Gettysburg Address.  Roland Young is exactly like a British lord.

Wasn't sure whether to go to the mambo class.  It was at the intermediate level, and I'm still a beginner with that dance (like samba).  On the other hand, I wanted to make up for missing Wednesday's group lesson and dance party, and I won't be able to go next Thursday.  

In the afternoon, my headache seemed to tip the balance against going, but I took my dancing shoes to the movie anyway, since it had eased.  In the end, the movie was a bit longer than I expected, so I skipped it. (I would have been at least 15 minutes late.)

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