Sunday, August 4, 2019

July 7, 2004

Dreamed of being on a ship and seeing the sun and moon on the horizon (rising or setting?) in the middle of the night(?); being in a small group invited to a fetish party, and another guy being too uptight; being in an English town on the Channel coast, with a chapel near my place with a female preacher; deciding not to attend services; Sopranos teenager Anthony Jr.  as a military school cadet suckered into taking the fall for a prank played by other cadets. (On the actual show, he was about to enter military school, but the plans were cancelled when it turned out that he'd inherited his father's problem with panic attacks.)

Puitak visited and we gave her some cherries.

Got a big pile in the mail, including a couple of Terry and the Pirates collections, a comic about Daniel Boone, and a whole lot of Classics Illustrated comics.

Dinner was fettucine with pesto sauce (which I cooked).

Went to a public meeting about the planned St. Clair streetcar renovation at the Dufferin library.  I left early.

Saw Ron Mann's documentary Go Further at the Royal.  It's a documentary about actor Woody Harrelson on a college tour to promote "simple organic living." He comes across as sincere.

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