Monday, November 2, 2020

October 20, 2005

(after getting a snowball in the face) "You know what?  Snow tastes just as bad as water!"--Swing Time

Dreamed of beings from a planet where small objects had human intelligence, becoming refugees on earth and taking human form; being Christopher Hitchens' assistant in a report on Cape Breton drag queen shows(!); ending up walking in a marathon in southwestern Cape Breton; finding out at the end of the course that I'd been disqualified, and saying "I don't give a shit!"

Saw the DVD of Swing Time, another Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers musical (for the second time). There's a funny scene where she's a dance teacher and he pretends to be a clumsy student (he's actually Fred Astaire!) just so he can meet her.  My favourite of the Jerome Kern songs: "The Way You Look Tonight."

Dinner was fettucine alfredo (which I cooked).

There were almost a dozen people at the Geneva Centre meeting.  We were going to have a games night, but we got to talking (a couple of people especially), so we'll do it next time.

Saw a DVD of Sister Wendy visiting British art museums.

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