Wednesday, November 11, 2020

October 28, 2005

Dreamed of my family visiting our hometown Sackville, N.B., and the parents deciding they were going to stay there for the next year; not liking being in limbo; landing on the moon (which looked the same as the earth) and wanting to bring back two surplus space helmet packages with pictures of Alan Shepard and John Glenn in them; seeing the 1930s Warner Brothers movie of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (which I haven't seen); James Cagney being limited to a cameo at the beginning (he actually had a bigger role as Botton); Olivia de Havilland lighting a cigarette.

Finally did the September book business accounts.  We made a good profit, because of my Ebay comics sales.

Dinner was pork curry.

Went to a Meetin Halloween party. (I wore my beatnik costume, including shades, a glued-on beard and my mother's beret.) They said they were going to have a karaoke, but they couldn't get the equipment.  I told a joke to three people, and two of them left the room before it was finished!  In the end I had to leave early because the music was getting on my nerves.

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