Tuesday, February 12, 2019

January 30, 2004

"I have discovered through long experience, Miss Honey, that the ears of small boys are stuck very firmly to their heads"--Roald Dahl's Matilda

"Brother, if you can't paint in Paris, you may as well give it up and marry the boss' daughter"--An American in Paris

Dreamed of coming upon a movie shoot where they were about to film a cliffside collapsing, with special effects so realistic that even onlookers were deceived; walking down a hill near the gravel pit on the road between Sackville and Moncton; walking into a tunnel and hearing Saddam Hussein torturing children; my neice Merle winning an award and mentioning me in her acceptance speech; visiting a cemetery where famous stage actors like John Wood were buried. (He's actually still alive.)

Baked raisin bread.

Harper's has a very interesting article about the connections between agriculture and energy.

Read the Classics Illustrated comic of Charles Boardman Hawes' swashbuckling boy's adventure The Mutineers.

Dinner was McDonald's.

Saw Vincente Minnelli's musical An American in Paris (for the third time) at the Cinematheque.  Gershwin's music and the Technicolor visual design are terrific, but the romantic plot is rather lame.

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