Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1, 2003

Dreamed of downloading a page with an ad for the musical Annie; meeting some of Rae's pre-adolescent girlfriends in Sydney, N.S.; going out on the streetcar to a British movie wearing a bathing suit; a magic well; being pursued by a large airborne object.

Got up at 10:17.

Started typing out the diary entries for March.  Finally got started with shovelling the garden.  After adding on the bottom layer from the compost (I think the smell is still faintly on me), I came back and spread on a layer of peat moss.  Of course, it'll still have to be dug in.

Baked brown bread.

Dinner was roast chicken.

Went to see Leo McCarey's The Milky Way, with Harold Lloyd, at the Cinematheque.  It was one of his few sound movies, and pretty funny. (It's about a milkman who gets packaged as a champion boxer.) [The host mentioned that we're lucky we can see it today, because when Samuel Goldwyn remade it a decade later as the Danny Kaye vehicle The Kid From Brooklyn he bought up and destroyed every print he could find!]

I also saw three hilarious silent shorts in which McCarey directed Laurel and Hardy.  I was also going to see McCarey's Six of a Kind, with a cast that included W.C. Fields, but the print had shrunk so much that they couldn't run it in the projector.  Oh, well.

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