Friday, September 20, 2024

September 14, 2009

"Yet a sailor's life is at best but a mixture of a little good with much evil, and a little pleasure with much pain.  The beautiful is linked with the revolting, the sublime with the commonplace, and the solemn with the ridiculous"--Two Years Before the Mast

"There is not so helpless and pitiable an object in the world as a landsman beginning a sailor's life"--ibid.

Dreamed of a cartoon in which Daffy Duck died in the end; being about to fly to England, but the flight got delayed several hours; following someone across Main Street in my hometown Sackville, N.B., in unusually heavy traffic; trying to remember what the date was, and finding out it was March.

Had my first singing lesson since Giuseppe's knee operation.  We went over "Avant de Quitter Ces Lieux" for the first time.

Afterward, I went to the Reference Library and borrowed the score for Verdi's Macbeth, which has an aria Giuseppe suggested for me.

At the NDP campaign office I stapled division sheets and paired them with poll maps.

Finished The Duke of Deception.  The story has some eerie parallels with This Boy's Life, a memoir by the author's brother.

Started Richard Henry Dana's sea account Two Years Before the Mast.  It's a cracking good read.

Dinner was spaghetti.

At choir practice, we went over the choruses of the first act of La Traviata.  It came back to me pretty quick. 

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