Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 1, 2009

"These shows [Third Reich documentaries on TV] instructed us further in the faith we were already beginning to hold:  that victims are contemptible, no matter how much people pretend otherwise; that it is moe fun to be inside, than outside, to be arrogant than to be kind, to be with a crowd than to be alone."

--This Boy's Life

Dreamed of the original ending of An Officer and a Gentleman where Richard Gere drove off on his motorcycle past Debra Winger's factory. (They replaced it, of course, with an audience-pleasing ending where he carried her out!)

Puitak took Moira and me to lunch at the big semi-cafeteria restaurant at BCE Place, whose name I can't remember. (It used to be Marche.)

At the NDP campaign office I cut sheets into flyers.  I had to use scissors because the big cutting machine was already in use, and it got tedious after a while.

Dinner was spaghetti.

Saw The Boys, a documentary about Richard and Robert Sherman, at the Yonge & Dundas.  They were a great songwriting team.

Read about 80 pages of This Boy's Life!

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