Friday, May 10, 2024

May 3, 2009

"'Where they are, how they are, there's now way we can know and no way we can do anything about it.  Do what I do.'


'Don't think about it."

--The Restaurant at the End of the Universe 

"He gestured at the door.... 'Out,' he said.  People who can supply that amount of firepower don't need to supply verbs as well"--ibid.

Went to a Games Meetup at Jeffrey's townhouse near the Don Mills station. (It reminds me of Patrick McGoohan's residence in The Prisoner!) I played Incan Gold and Small World.  The latter is a really fun dungeons & dragons-themed strategy game.  My first force was sorcerers with fortification powers, then I let them go into decline and switched to swarming ratmen.  It was really close--just five points between first and last place--but I came out on top. (I had a big lead midway, but the others almost caught up.)

Dinner was shrimp and the rest of the Chinese food.

Since nobody at the Lunch Club Meetup seems interested in the Stone Grill, I've changed the event to Chef of India on May 30th.

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