Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 10, 2009

"We don't do that here." 

"What you do here is fart."

--The Soloist

Steve: "'I love you, Steve!' turns into 'You failed me, Steve!' turns into very bad things.'"


Dreamed of seeing Frank Sinatra in Gunga Din (which movie he wasn't in, though he was in the Rat Pack western version Sergeants Three).

Saw The Soloist at the Empress Walk.  It was a bit conventional (elements of Shine and Good Will Hunting, of course), but Robert Downey Jr. is always worth watching.

John and Kathrine came over for dinner, which was pizza. (I was afraid that I'd be late getting back from the movie and Father would order the pizza without me and include stuff I didn't like on our part, but I got home in plenty of time.)

I've just about finished adapting the "Bruderlein und Schwesterlein" score.

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