Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 17, 2009

Alexander Hamilton: "Are you questioning my loyalty, sir?"

President Adams: "No, Mr. Hamilton, I'm questioning your sanity!"

--John Adams

Dreamed of reflecting that it's rude to tell someone competing against you in a game that he just made a bad move; military training where recruits get imprinted with a stamp at the back of their shoulders where they couldn't see it.

Went to a Games Meetup at the Yellow Griffin. (It took a while to find.) I played Settlers of Catan again.  Again I finished with seven points, two of them because I had the largest army.  I think I erred in some of my road-building choices.

For dinner, Moira made the leftover pork roast into tikka masala.

Saw the last three episodes of John Adams.  Compelling.

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