Thursday, November 22, 2018

November 17, 2003

U.S. President Billy Bob Thornton:"You can have anything you want, so long as you don't ask for something I don't want to give"--Love Actually

Dreamed of a man recalling how the Germans occupied his coastal village and dared anyone to cut through their security fence, and he found out the hard way that it was electrified; a Maclean's magazine survey on youth violence; a GO transit route going north from Oakville.

Baked whole wheat bread.

The parents and I saw the British romantic comedy Love Actually at the Varsity.  It was rather thin in a hit and miss way.  In the children's Christmas pageant they sang the horridest Christmas song of all time:  Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas"! [Bill Nighy was the best thing in it.  The scene where Colin Firth was writing outdoors without a paperweight so the wind could blow his pages into the pond and the Portuguese maid could wade in to save them in her bra was especially cheesy!]

After the movie was over we had dinner at the Swiss Chalet.

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