Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 11, 2009

    Went to a Games Meetup at Foxes Den.  I played Ticket to Ride and Alhambra.  The first game I lost by two points (I think--I wasn't motivated enough to ask for a recount.) In the second game I managed to finish second.

    John, Donald, Kathrine and Rae came over for a Thanksgiving dinner.  We had turkey and the vegans had something different.

    Saw The Man From Beyond, a silent with Harry Houdini as an 1820 man who survives being frozen for a whole century(!), then meets a woman he's convinced is the reincarnation of his late sweetheart.  It's a curious casting choice, considering that Houdini was famous for debunking spiritualists... [There was a 1960s sitcom The Second Hundred Years with a similar premise.]

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