"I'm not saying that Peggy doesn't have something upstairs--it's just that at Sterling-Cooper, the important things are happening downstairs"--Mad Men
Went to the Debating Meetup at Swansea Town Hall, where they debated Toronto's waterfront development policy. I left before they voted on who "won."
Went to the first event of Ian's Documentary Meetup. We discussed The Corporation, which I haven't seen.
The parents and I saw The Duchess at the Varsity. Pretty maudlin.
After seeing my shrink Dr. Hassan I dropped in at the St. Paul's NDP campaign HQ for the first time. (I was a while finding out where it was.) I attached Anita Agrawal stickers to Jack Layton pamphlets.
Went to the cinemacast of the operas Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci at the Empress Walk this afternoon. In the evening I went to the Classical Music Meetup at Java Mama where they talked about French music. (I meant to bring our CD of Saint-Saens' Carnival of the Animals, but was in such a hurry that I forgot it.)