Howard Hawks on Sam Peckinpah: "I can kill three men and sent them to the morgue in the time it takes him to get one to the ground!"--quoted in the Warner Brothers documentary You Must Remember This
Bugs Bunny: "What is it with you?"
Daffy Duck: "I can't help it! I'm a greedy slob! It's my hobby! Save me!"
--Ali Baba Bunny
Dreamed of the house next to our old home in Sackville, N.B., being decorated with Japanese characters, including a katakana vowel and the kanji 本 for "hon" (root); President Eisehower noticing me tightening the tiny screw on my old glasses; the Stephen Foster song "Hard Times."
Went to an Aspergers Meetup at the organizer's apartment in Wynford Heights. I showed them how to play The Amazeing Labyrinth, but we mostly just talked.
Dinner was lasagna.
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